Zoom Aglaonema Romeo
Zoom Aglaonema Romeo
Zoom Aglaonema Romeo

Aglaonema Romeo

  • Aglaonemas prefer bright, indirect light, but can also survive in fluorescent-lit bright office spaces, not close to a window.
  • Water Aglaonema deeply, but allow the soil to dry out between waterings.
  • Typically, a well-drained, slightly acidic potting soil is perfect for the Aglaonema. If you find that your chosen soil is retaining too much water, try mixing in sand or perlite to aid in drainage. 
  • Aglaonemas are toxic to pets.
  • Aglaonema is very easy to propagate in water or in soil via stem cuttings. Note that water-propagated specimens tend not to thrive when planted in soil. If you choose to propagate in water, it's best to keep the mature plant in water, too. Using a clean, sharp blade or gardening shears, make a diagonal cut in the shoot's stem just below a leaf node. Trim off a couple of bottom leaves from the cutting. If using the water method, fill an appropriately-sized glass or jar with water so that the leaf nodes will be submerged, and place the cutting in the water. If using the soil method, fill a small plant container with well-draining potting soil. Moisten the soil, poke a hole a few inches dee, and plant the cutting in the soil. Gently pat the soil around the base of the cutting to secure it. Place your cuttings in a warm place with bright, indirect light. If using the water method, change the water when it becomes cloudy. The plant should establish new roots in 4-6 weeks. After that, care for the plants as usual.

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Aglaonema Romeo
