Zoom Ficus Tineke - Plant Salon
Zoom Ficus Tineke - Plant Salon
Zoom Ficus Tineke - Plant Salon
Zoom Ficus Tineke - Plant Salon
Zoom Ficus Tineke - Plant Salon
Zoom Ficus Tineke - Plant Salon
Zoom Ficus Tineke - Plant Salon
Zoom Ficus Tineke - Plant Salon
Zoom Ficus Tineke - Plant Salon
Zoom Ficus Tineke - Plant Salon

Ficus Tineke


Ficus Elastica trees and bushes in general prefer bright light, don't like drafty locations, and like to dry out between watering.  

Variegated ficus elastica trees prefer lots of filtered bright light in particular so that the paler parts of their leaves don’t burn.  They can be acclimated to brighter and even more direct sunlight over time. 

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Ficus Tineke - Plant Salon

Ficus Tineke
