Zoom ZZ Plant "Lucky"
Zoom ZZ Plant "Lucky"
Zoom ZZ Plant "Lucky"
Zoom ZZ Plant "Lucky"
Zoom ZZ Plant "Lucky"

ZZ Plant "Lucky"

  • Zamioculcas is a genus of flowering plants in the family Araceae, containing the single species Zamioculcas zamiifolia. It is a tropical perennial plant native to eastern Africa, from southern Kenya to northeastern South Africa.
  • ZZ plants do best in bright to moderate, indirect light, but will do fine in extremely low levels of light.
  • ZZ's like to dry out completely between waterings. They have an efficient water retention mechanism, so you shouldn't water this plant until its soil has become dry throughout the pot. In low light environments or winter, this can mean watering as infrequently as once a month.
  • A well-draining potting mix will do for your ZZ. A chunky mix of organic potting soil, orchid bark, perlite, and horticultural charcoal as a basic recipe and adjust according to the plant.
  • All parts of the ZZ are considered toxic to humans and pets.
  • Stem cuttings: Cut off a stalk at the base of your plant, making a straight cut with a sanitized knife. Place the cut stem in water, and change out the water every 3-4 weeks. Keep the cutting near a window where it can receive bright, indirect light. Sunlight is the best way to encourage your ZZ cutting to grow. When your cutting has grown a rhizome and at least one inch of new roots you can repot. Leaf cuttings: Cut off a leaf as close to the stalk as possible, taking a little bit of the stem with it. Place the leaf’s stem into potting mix.Water the pot of leaves and let it soak in. Water again when the soil is dry, about every two weeks.


* Item does not include the basket in the picture. 

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ZZ Plant "Lucky"
