Zoom Anthurium Watermaliense Plant Salon.
Zoom Anthurium Watermaliense Plant Salon.
Zoom Anthurium Watermaliense Plant Salon.

Anthurium Watermaliense

Anthurium is a variety of flowering plant in the family Araceae, native to rainforest margins in Central and South America, from Panama to Peru. 

They enjoy constant humidity around 70% to 80%. They thrive in bright indirect sunlight.

Water care: During summer, anthurium plants require more water than during any other season. 
In contrast, wintertime is allowing longer breaks between watering – regularly check the soil and as long as the top layer is wet, do not water it again.

Soil Care: A basic potting mix for anthurium plants consist of bark, perlite, and either peat moss or coco coir.

Not Pet friendly: This plant contains insoluble calcium oxalate crystals similar to other plants in the Araceae family. Chewing or biting into this plant will release these crystals causing tissue penetration and irritation of the mouth. Keep away from pets.

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Anthurium Watermaliense Plant Salon.

Anthurium Watermaliense
