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Zoom Fittonia Nerve Plant - Plant Salon
Zoom White veined nerve plant at Plant Salon
Zoom Fittonia Nerve Plant - Plant Salon
Zoom Red veined nerve plant at Plant Salon
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Zoom Fittonia- Nerve Plant - Plant Salon
Zoom Fittonia- Nerve Plant - Plant Salon
Zoom Fittonia- Nerve Plant - Plant Salon
Zoom Fittonia- Nerve Plant - Plant Salon
Zoom Potted plant with small green leaves with bright pink veins

Fittonia Nerve Plant

  • Fittonia is a genus of flowering plants in the acanthus family Acanthaceae, native to tropical rainforest in South America, mainly Peru.
  • Your fittonia prefers bright, indirect light. Lower light can cause it to lose some of its vibrant color and growth will slow. Too much light can burn the leaves.
  • Your fittonia loves water and to be consistently moist, but not soggy. Water thoroughly when the top 25% of soil is dry. If you let your Fittonia dry out too much, it will let you know with limp leaves. After a thorough watering, the leaves will perk up.
  • Fittonia grows well in standard potting soil with a peat moss base. The soil should retain some moisture, but should also drain well.
  • Fittonias are non-toxic and pet friendly. 
  • You can propagate Fittonia by taking stem or leaf cuttings. Cut the stem at the node and place it in water in a bright, warm space. You can also cut a leaf and stick that in water as well. This takes anywhere from two to eight weeks.

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Close up of white veined nerve plant at Plant Salon

Fittonia Nerve Plant
