Zoom Pilea Polybotrya "Raindrop" - Plant Salon
Zoom Pilea Polybotrya "Raindrop" - Plant Salon
Zoom Pilea Polybotrya "Raindrop" - Plant Salon

Pilea Polybotrya "Raindrop"

  • Peperomia Polybotrya, commonly known as Pilea Raindrop, is native to South America, specifically in tropical regions such as Peru and Colombia.
  • Peperomia Polybotrya likes medium to bright, indirect light. If the plant receives too much bright, direct light the leaves could be burnt and dry out.
  • Thoroughly water your plant, but allow the plant to dry out between waterings. If you stick your finger and feel dry soil, water your Peperomia Polybotrya.
  • Ensure the plant has soil with good drainage. A suggestion is a potting mix that is 50% 50% peat moss and 50% perlite. An African Violet soil mix is a good option for your plant.
  • This plant is non-toxic to pets. 
  • To propagate a peperomia raindrop in water, first cut off a stem with very few leaves attached. Place the cutting in a jar of water and keep it away from direct light. Change the water every few days or so to keep the plant from rotting and to allow roots to sprout. Once you can see roots growing, you can move the cutting into a pot with fresh soil. Choose a small container to prevent watering problems in the future. If you aren’t successful with water rooting due to rotting, you can try LECA propagation.

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Pilea Polybotrya "Raindrop" - Plant Salon

Pilea Polybotrya "Raindrop"
